December 31, 2021

One hour.
One minute.
One week.
One year.

Oh how we measure things

just chunks of time.
only the units
do we weigh the soul?

Do we measure the
27 mistakes, 12 friends, 1 victory, 244 hours by the sea, 2 unrelenting heartbreaks

57 tons shaped exactly like shame

or one very bright light
and times of skipping
and time of trudging
and hope despair, inspiration, despair, sunshine, smiles, despair

a flower as beautiful as new love
new love as beautiful as a flower

fear, resistance, broken parts
persistence, resilience, regret, tenderness, words, silence

holy silence

a shit ton of snow
do we measure that?

this is the weight and lift of life

not a balance sheet
or calendar
or list of tasks undone

but this moment
where the smell of you
is the weight of home